It is tempting to look at breathtaking architecture for a residence! Marvel at its design and layout to satisfy the visuals.
Hot Weather
Living in a warm city entails using materials that are conducive for this kind of weather. An architecture company in Singapore finds it favorable for the future resident to like the exterior of the house. It is suitable for light colors to appear outside the residence. The sun’s rays are reflected on the surface. Also, keep away sunlight from inside the house. Feeling hot while staying at home needs an alternative to be in a cooler place.
The top architects in Singapore advise to put shade on the residence. It is desired that the harmful rays of the sun be prevented from penetrating inside. This saves more money from using an air conditioner. Putting exterior shades such as leaves, sunshades, plants, overhangs, and trees is advisable. A solar tint on a window is also suitable for heat to be minimised. Air flow may be increased inside the house with the presence of holes.
Squeeze Points
It is the advice of architecture firms in Singapore for squeeze points to be created. These are big openings where wind leaves. Velocity of the wind rises from the natural vacuum. For a residence that is built already, leave an opening for the door or window. Know the location for the wind as it changes depending on the weather. Wind direction is ideally in a straight manner and follows the openings in a residence. Circulation has to be in all directions.
Outdoor Air
Singapore house architecture can have outdoor air that is dense and cool go inside. When there are high and low openings, a natural flow is created. Air floats inside and leaves the highest opening. Cooler air replaces warm air that is known as stack effect. To maintain the coolness of air, it may go through the shade. Placement of trees also contributes to the cooling of air. The presence of vegetation aids in funneling of wind and the movement of air.
Air conditioner and Appliances
Usage of air conditioner is advisable with inverter type. When solar energy accompanies it, there is more affordability. Appliances may have energy star-rated that decrease consumption. In using appliances that conserve energy, balance exists in the lifestyle. With the presence of insulation, feel more coolness inside. Consumption of appliances is also decreased. For a residence that is built already, putting insulation becomes more expensive.
An existing roof that is considered for improvement can be sprayed with polyurethane foam. The architecture company in Singapore advises this. Apart from making the roof waterproof, there is also insulation from the outside heat. Applying cross-ventilation wherein air from openings passes through other openings. These include windows, vents, doors, and pathways. Cross-ventilation becomes effective when these openings remain vacant.
The field of architecture is brimming with creativity for layout and design. At Ar43, know different kinds that make the residence alive!Add paragraph text here.